Information pursuant to art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003 (so-called PRIVACY)
The following information is provided, in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003, laying down provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data, to those who interact with the web services of the site for the protection of personal data , accessible electronically from the address: corresponding to the homepage of the site.
Collection of navigation data
The computer systems and the technical and software procedures underlying the operation of the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the access and operation mechanisms and protocols in use on the Internet.
Every time the User connects to the Website and each time he calls or requests a content, the access data is stored in our systems, in the form of tabular or linear data files.
For example, this category of data includes the IP addresses, the domain names of the computers used by the users connecting to the Site, the request by the User's browser, in the form of addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ), the date and time of the request to the server, the method used to submit the request to the server, the quantity of data transmitted, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters related to the operating system and to the User's IT environment.
These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site in order to identify the pages preferred by Users and thus provide increasingly appropriate content and to check its correct functioning. At the Authority's request, the data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site and its Users.
For more information, please visit: Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree. 196/2003, therefore, we provide the following information:
Purposes of data processing:
The personal data freely communicated, through the site, and acquired by us will be treated in a lawful manner and according to principles of correctness, and will be processed in order to provide the service of advice and assistance in real estate brokerage during all phases from the acquisition to the final conclusion of the deal.
In particular, for the site contact service the user has the possibility to transmit personal data (eg name, surname, telephone number, other personal data and not). The sending of such data takes place on an optional, explicit and voluntary basis, and involves the subsequent acquisition of such data, in order to respond to requests received from the company.
The sending of emails to the addresses possibly present in the Site, involves the acquisition by the Owner of the email address of the sender. This email address, together with other personal data collected, is necessary to respond to requests sent and to provide the services specifically requested.
The data are relevant, complete and not excessive in relation to the purposes listed above for which they are collected and subsequently processed.
Data processing methods:
Personal data are processed within the normal professional, managerial and promotional activities according to the following procedures: data collection at the interested party; insertion, processing and organization in databases through the use of electronic and / or automated tools; organization and storage of paper documents containing your personal data; conservation in a form that allows the identification of the data subject for a period not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently processed; cancellation from our databases at the end of the period necessary for the purposes for which your data have been collected and subsequently processed.
Data processing methods: Personal data are processed within the normal professional, managerial and promotional activities according to the following procedures: data collection at the interested party; insertion, processing and organization in databases through the use of electronic and / or automated tools; organization and storage of paper documents containing your personal data; conservation in a form that allows the identification of the data subject for a period not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently processed; cancellation from our databases at the end of the period necessary for the purposes for which your data have been collected and subsequently processed. Nature of the provision of data The provision of data is optional, but any refusal of the User will make it impossible for the Data Controller to process the requests and to perform the required services referred to in the paragraph above.
We highlight that:
P.M.G. REAL ESTATE S.R.L. has set up the system of security, access and custody of data in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.
Communication of data to third parties:
The data, due to the relationship established and in order to facilitate and allow the conclusion of the deal, may be communicated to: 1) external collaborators; 2) other business agents in mediation (including companies) identified by the Owner in order to collaborate for the accomplishment of the assignment entrusted by the interested party; 4) counterparties and their potential technicians and consultants; 5) notary for the purpose of preparing notarial deeds and / or related activities pertaining to the assignment conferred to the Owner; 5) companies and / or professionals who perform services that perform the technical / cadastral / building / town planning practices; 6) banks and other subjects operating in the banking sector; 7) insurance for the stipulation of policies pertaining to the assignment conferred to the Holder; 8) arbitrators' colleges and, in general, all those public and private subjects to whom communication is necessary for the correct fulfillment of the obligations provided for by laws, regulations and community legislation as well as by provisions issued by Authorities legitimated by law or bodies for supervisory purposes and / or control and other Authorities, for purposes connected to the obligations established by law (anti-usury law, anti-money laundering legislation) and / or by regulations, as well as by instructions given by the same authorities.
All subjects, belonging to the categories to which the Data may be communicated, will use the Data as "owners under the law" or specific consent, in full autonomy, being unrelated to the original processing carried out at the Agency, or of "external managers". To know at any time the subjects, to which your data will be communicated, it is sufficient that you request the updated list by writing to the Data Controller at the headquarters of the Agency. Finally, your data will be known by all employees and collaborators of the Agency, in relation to the performance of the duties or tasks assigned to each.
Data processed by the Agency will not be disseminated.
Our web pages may contain social network plug-ins (eg Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc.). If you access one of our web pages equipped with a similar plug-in, the internet browser connects directly to the servers of the social network and the plug-in is displayed on the screen thanks to the connection with the browser. If an interested user of a social network visits our web pages, while he is connected to his social account, his personal data may be associated with the social account. Even if you use the plug-in functions, the information will be associated with the social account. Further information on the collection and use of data by social networks in general, as well as on the rights and methods available to protect the privacy of the data subject in this context, are present on the social network pages of the account, on the protection of data. If the person concerned does not wish to associate the visit to our web pages with his social account, he must log-off from the social network before visiting them.
Rights of the interested party pursuant to art. 7 Legislative Decree 196/2003 Article 7 of the Code grants the interested party the exercise of specific rights. In particular, the User has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data, even if not yet registered, and that such data are made available in an intelligible form. You can also ask to know the origin of the data, the logic, the purposes and the modalities on which the treatment is based as well as the identification details of the Data Controller, the Data Processor, and the subjects / categories to which the data may be communicated or which may become aware as a designated representative in the State, of Managers or Persons in Charge. You can obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law as well as updating, correction or, if interested, integration of data; can object, for legitimate reasons, to the treatment itself. To exercise the rights referred to in art. 7 of Legislative Decree. 196/2003 the User can contact: P.M.G. Immobiliare S.R.L., via Kennedy 217, 87036 Rende (CS). Data Controller and Data Processor: The data controller is the Agenzia P.M.G. S.R.L. based in Rende (Cs) in Via J. Kennedy 217 Rende (Cs), telephone number 0984/461480. Furthermore, the Data Controller has appointed its employees and collaborators in charge of processing. The interested party can also contact the Owner at any time. S.R.L .: Address: J. Kennedy Street 217, 87036 Rende (Cs) email: for the purpose of: know the updated list of those responsible have full clarity about the operations that have been described exercise the rights pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.Changes
This information may be subject to change. If substantial changes are made to the use of data relating to the User by, this will notify the User by publishing them with the maximum evidence on their pages.